Friday, July 26, 2013

An NFL Player Lost $2 Million Because He Didn't Realize He Had To Go To Offseason Practices

tarell brown san francisco 49ers

Brian Bahr/Getty Images

San Francisco 49ers cornerback Tarell Brown had his 2013 salary cut by $2 million after he failed to participate in the team's voluntary offseason program.

There was a clause in Brown's contract that raised his base salary from $925,000 to $2.925 million if he showed up at mini camps and workouts through the summer.?

Brown said yesterday that he was unaware of that clause, and subsequently fired his agent for failing to remind him of his contract's fine print.

He told reporters after practice:

"If I would have known the clauses in my contract -- that's what agents get paid to do, to orchestrate the contract and to let you know what you can and can't do as far as workouts and OTAs and things of that sort. That's what he got paid to do. He didn't do that, so in my opinion, you have to be let go. We all are held accountable for our actions. This is part of the business."

There's plenty of blame to go around here. With 68% of his potential base salary at stake, you'd think both he and his agent would be keenly aware that he had to participate in those camps.


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