Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Apple to aid investigation of Chinese woman killed charging iPhone 5

Apple is "deeply saddened" by the death of a Chinese woman who was electrocuted while charging her iPhone 5, and will "fully investigate and cooperate with authorities in this matter," a company spokesperson tells Reuters. Police say that Ma Ailun, a 23-year-old from Xinjiang, was killed when she attempted to answer a call on her still-charging iPhone 5. The incident gained attention when Ma's sister made a post on Sina Weibo warning other people to be careful.

In general, Apple has had few if any complaints about charging the iPhone 5. The company did once have to recall power adapters for the iPhone 3G, but no one is believed to have been severely injured by a faulty cable. At the time, Apple claimed that a "very small" number of adapters were defective.

Source: http://forums.macnn.com/113/tech-news/502242/apple-aid-investigation-chinese-woman-killed/


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