Monday, July 22, 2013

Trending wedding cakes: Fade into your nuptials with an ombre cake

For some, a traditional wedding cake will not suffice for that all-important ceremony. Some want to be on the cutting edge of whatever's modern and trendy. For those wanting an "in" wedding this year, the reception's centerpiece should be an ombre styled wedding cake.

According to "The Daily Meal" blog at Yahoo Shine, the current trend in ombre fashion styles has spilled over into the world of brides and wedding planners. The fashion seems to be everywhere, from the chic patterns of designer clothes and casual t-shirts to some of the latest ways to do one's hair and fingernails. Ombre seems to be just about everywhere. Now it is the decorative style to have for wedding cakes.

But what is "ombre?" Ombre is the show of color gradient or graduation from light to dark colors. Just think hippie-like tie-dyes you've seen with the same color scheme, how each color fades into the next. That is ombre coloration.

It seems that ombre style cakes caught on about the time that Maggie Austin Cake posted a photo of an ombre cake online, a two-tiered affair with orchids on the top layer, the lower layer fading from top to bottom in gradients of purple. On the cake designer's website are a myriad designs in the portfolio section, with quite a few of the ombre cakes on display.

The ombre cakes seem to be the natural progression of a fashion trend that started in 2012 in (where else?) France, according to The Budget Fashionista. And although it might be a matter of conjecture whether or not the trend will continue through 2013 (since it branched into hair styles and nail painting), it certainly seems to be the go-to style for this year's wedding cakes.

And for those who want to put their cake designers and makers through some hoops (because they're certainly going to make you pay -- or at least the father's of the brides), you could always opt for an ombre cake in and out. Glorious Treats has a Pink Ombre Swirl Cake that fades baby pink to to hot pink with the icing, yellow-ish vanilla cake to electric purple vanilla cake from top to bottom.

So if you want your wedding to be au courant this wedding season, make certain your cake is in style. Of course, traditional is always the safe way to go. And most designer models can be a hit as well. But if you're the kind of person that likes to keep it modern and make a statement as well, ombre is the cake for your nuptials. Fade into your marriage with a cake that sets a symbolic tone for a relationship that has gradually moved from the lighter days of dating to the solid commitment of marriage.

(photo credit: Glorious Treats, promotional use)


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